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Liquid Democracy e.V.
Am Sudhaus 2
12053 Berlin (Germany)

Telefon: +49 (0) 30 6293 3553 0


Liquid Democracy e.V. is recorded in the register of associations of the district court Charlottenburg (Berlin) under the VR-number 28939 B. Liquid Democracy e.V. is a non-profit association.

Management Board

Marie-Kathrin Siemer, Moritz Ritter

Board of the association

Katharina Gerl, Carolin Klingsporn, Maria Lederer, Linus Strothmann

Disclaimer of liability

Responsible for content in terms of press law and according to MDStV (Mediendienstestaatsvertrag): represented by the board of Liquid Democracy e.V.: Katharina Gerl, Carolin Klingsporn, Katharina Matzkeit, Linus Strothmann


For editorial contributions which are identified by name, the responsibility in the sense of press law lies with the authors. The respective organisations and administrators are responsible for the contents of the instances.

We would like to point out that the content of websites may change. The following applies to all links on this website: At the time of linking, we have checked their contents and found them to be unobjectionable. However, we cannot exclude the possibility that content may have been changed subsequently and can therefore not assume any responsibility for the current content of the linked pages. We indicate the respective pages as a source of information, but do not wish to adopt their content as our own. This declaration applies to all links on this website.

The Liquid Democracy e.V. does not commit itself to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a mediation board for consumers.

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